
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Ma? Upchuck says NA.
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Welcome back folks - After a too long hiatus, here's some good old movie nonsense - no nostalgia here except for wistfully wishing we had the roughly 3 hours of our lives back dealing with this. In Ma, instead of making something genuinely interesting, horrifying, or statement based, we get 30 old vendettas and some...questionable painting skills. Sigh.
We did this episode remotely, and yes Dustin does his best Chris Klein impression due to sound on Zoom.
Hope the reruns have kept you entertained while we've been away. Here's to many more episodes. As always please like, subscribe, and SHARE!

Tuesday May 28, 2019
We're bacccckkk.. sort of
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Dustin and Aaron on a road trip edition

Friday Sep 14, 2018
Kraa! The Sea Monster -- Our Kind of Bad/Upchuck Theater Crossover
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Hi All,
Dustin here. Apologies for lack of content updates, but it has been a busy year not allowing the Upchuck team to be united often. We will get everyone caught up with Season 2 and the Annual Chuckies soon and back on track with Season 3 shortly as well.
Anyway in the meantime, myself (and my lovely fiancée, Christy) teamed up with our friends from the Our Kind of Bad Podcast, Dom and Sara to bring you the 1998 Kaiju/Schlockbuster Kraa! The Sea Monster. I admit to owning this disaster and call back to Aaron's hatred of that fact. Young Alison Lohman in a Star Trek ripoff uniform. Italian accented clam/turtle/alien. Heavily reverbed Skeletor-like villain....What could go wrong? Listen as we try to decipher a nonsensical plot and even develop some of our own fan theories.
As always, PLEASE subscribe through the various channels, and leave us some feedback - Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Facebook. Twitter, Tumblr, and of course our home here on Podbean. PLEASE like, review, subscribe, follow, etc.
Also do the same thing for our friends over at Our Kind of Bad! Find them on iTunes, Facebook and Instagram. Let us know what should be our next movie to review with them in crossover. Rob will appreciate the schlock, Aaron won't undoubtedly!

Monday May 21, 2018
Battlefield Earth... Rigggghhht
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Please. Travolta. Scientology. Garbage.

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Love and Saucers featuring JayZippo
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Every time Jay Zippo comes on the show, he one ups himself with horrible choices. In this episode we tackle our first documentary, Love and Saucers, about a guy who claims he's had encounters (mostly sexual) with aliens for over 50 years. Along the way he gets milked, has children, and works at a deli one shift per week.
This episode features an incredible amount of apathy by Aaron, space pontification by Rob, Dustin is... Dustin, and Jimmy is giddy. Part standard Upchuck fare, part science experiment, we hope you enjoy this edition to our collection, sporadic as we've been of late.
There's a brief mockumentary accompanying this episode courtesy of Beruud - view here to hear about our own sexy times with aliens - Sax and Crayons
Jimmy is a great friend and contributor to our show - please give him a listen and a follow. We also plug his newest endeavor Midnight Hollow during the episode. Give that a listen as as well. As always please like, share, subscribe, and talk to us. No one talks to us.

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Feb 22, 2018 Aaron off the cuff
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Aaron rambles on about a ton of content he's consumed of late after a frustrating day and evening. Taylor Sheridan films, actors you can't stand but acknowledge a good performance from, and a lot more Jake Gyllenhaal than he likes to admit.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Blade Runner 2049 - Incept Date Off the Cuff
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
**This pod opens with a promo from our good friends The Subject Tonight - give them a follow and a listen!
A rambling, all over the place episode with just Rob and Aaron - we discuss Blade Runner 2049 - a movie we were both fearful of.
Being huge fans of the original, we both felt a sequel unnecessary so much so in fact that the movie was not watched in the movie theater.
But we both loved it. A beautiful and expecptional film by Denis Villeneuve (Sicario, Prisoners) with Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford.
We are watching the original in the background as we discuss a wide range of things pertaining to both films. We address the supposed controversy of the treatment of females (great nominee for Rob justification moment with a very interesting twist), and we dive into some of our ideas of a 'flawless' movie.
Dustin didn't like it. SO he wasn't invited.

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Truth or Consequences N.M. - Episode 21
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
This episode sees the guys dealing with home grown hero Vincent Gallo and the truly awful Keifer Sutherland helmed vehicle Truth or Consequences N.M. A completely inept film, it's hard for the gang to remain interested.
Taking up entirely too much time is Aaron evoking the spirit of Gallo reading from the very same's website and his offering of himself to be someone's not dad... well just listen. This is a real stinker, and we're not even that fond of our own episode.
Listen for a plug for our new friends the M.A.U.L. Podcast and give em' a follow on Twitter.
As always, please subscribe, share, follow, and review! Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Millennium - Episode 20
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
Tuesday Jan 02, 2018
We're bacccck!!
Happy New Year. We've got a bunch of episodes that will hopefully be coming fast and furious and this is the start.
Kris Kristofferson helms this awful, should have been Lifetime Movie, Millennium. This is definitely one of the worst movies we've watched yet, the ineptitude in all categories, the bad look, Kris Kristofferson, Dustin's admittance of sweater vests, Kris Kristofferson, and more.
Rob makes a claim that Alien is not a Sci-fi film. Thoughts?
Kris Kristofferson is awful in this trash.
DISCLAIMER - We typically ramble and wax idiotic in every episode. But in this one we seriously have no idea what we're talking about. No really. We are all over the place in this one.
But Dustin only needed one **content** edit in this one., so whatever/
As always, PLEASE subscribe through the various channels, and leave us some feedback - Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Facebook. Twitter, Tumblr, and of course our home here on Podbean. PLEASE like, review, subscribe, follow, etc.
Give us some requests, thoughts, feedback, ideas for films, etc. Thank you so much for your support!
The Upchuckers

Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Microwave Massacre - Episode 19
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
Sunday Sep 24, 2017
In this episode, our poorly drawn farce is forced to watch an ever poorer drawn farce. Microwave Massacare is truly an awful movie, probably the most inanely made film we've watched in our time doing this.
With a poor imitation of Rodney Dangerfield at the helm, even strange looking breasts and cannibalism can't save this nonsense. We debated even airing this episode because we were afraid that our energy was so low it might drag everything down, the pod surprisingly stays pretty active. No really. Aaron listens to all of them and edits (sort of) and he was quite surprised that this one doesn't actually suck.
The above possibly written by Aaron.
Advertised as 'The Worst Horror Movie of All Time' ... well... thanks for listening. Please like, share and subscribe. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Tune-in and many other places.